Canadian Consulting Engineer

LED lights used for data transfer

July 22, 2014
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

While LEDs have become the byword for lighting buildings energy efficiently, a Mexican company is now developing a product that not only lights up a building interior, but also transmits data at vastly increased rates.

While LEDs have become the byword for lighting buildings energy efficiently, a Mexican company is now developing a product that not only lights up a building interior, but also transmits data at vastly increased rates.

As reported by, the Sisoft Company in Mexico is developing a “Li-Fi” device that transports data wirelessly at 10 gigabytes per second.

Also known as light fidelity, and “visible light communications” (VLC), the

technology uses the LED spectrum of light to transmit audio, video and internet data. LEDs emit an intermittent flicker that is so fast it can’t be detected via the human eye.

Sisoft is developing the technology with researchers at the Autonomous Technological Instititute of Mexico. The Sisoft station stands above a router that distributes an internet signal. The station incorporates an LED lamp that maximizes the speed of the data transfer to a receptor that sits inside the range of the halo of light.

The use of Li-Fi is also said to be more secure than Wi-Fi, since there is no way to hack the signal.

With LiFi you could download an HD movie in just 45 seconds.

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