Canadian Consulting Engineer

Lighthouse issues summary of building energy labeling programs

April 16, 2013
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Light House Sustainable Building Centre in Vancouver has issued a white paper on "Energy Labeling for Commercial Buildings in Canada: What Property and Facility Managers Need to Know."

Light House Sustainable Building Centre in Vancouver has issued a white paper on “Energy Labeling for Commercial Buildings in Canada: What Property and Facility Managers Need to Know.”

The paper provides a summary of the existing Energy Star, ASHRAE Building EQ, and CaGBC GreenUp programs in Canada as well as labeling procedures.

Similar to measuring fuel use in a vehicle, building energy labeling helps owners, operators and managers understand how much energy their facility is using and how that performance compares locally and nationally to similar buildings.

Lighthouse notes that globally, the public labeling of building energy performance is becoming increasingly common as government and property managers look to reduce their carbon footprints. In the EU, energy performance certificates are already required for buildings being constructed, sold or rented.

The City of Vancouver is considering establishing building labeling as part of the renovation permit process.

Light House is a not-for-profit company dedicated to advancing green building and the sustainable infrastructure.

To download the free report, click here.


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