Canadian Consulting Engineer

Manitoba awards outlet channel projects to Hatch and KGS Group

November 23, 2018

“The Lake Manitoba and Lake St. Martin Outlet Channels project is vital to protect Manitobans who have sacrificed so much because of flooding,” Manitoba Infrastructure Minister Ron Schuler

Two engineering firms have been awarded the contracts for engineering design and construction oversight for the Lake Manitoba and Lake St. Martin Outlet Channels project, a $540 million flood protection infrastructure initiative.

“The Lake Manitoba and Lake St. Martin Outlet Channels project is vital to protect Manitobans who have sacrificed so much because of flooding,” said Manitoba Infrastructure Minister Ron Schuler in a media release.  “Better water control means better protection against flooding for these Manitobans and the sooner this work begins, the better.”

Hatch Ltd. was awarded the Lake Manitoba engineering design and construction oversight contract.

The Lake Manitoba channel includes the flood protection channel, water control structure and preliminary design of two bridges. TREK Geotechnical Inc., Stantec Consulting Ltd. and Dillon Consulting Ltd. will assist.

KGS Group was awarded the Lake St. Martin engineering design and construction oversight contract.

The Lake St. Martin channel includes the flood protection channel and water control structure.

WSP Global Inc. and North/South Consultants Inc. will assist.


Additional news report from CBC.


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