Canadian Consulting Engineer

Montreal proposes 3-year $6.4B public works program

February 1, 2018

The main focus of the program is water and road infrastructure.

The new mayor of Montréal, Valérie Plante, has presented the city’s Three-Year Capital Works Program for 2018-2020 which reveals investments totalling $6.38B, and the main focus of the investments will be water and road infrastructure with 65%, or $4.1B, allotted to road and underground infrastructures.

Over the three years $1.7B will be allotted to water, with the main investments including:

  • $513.1 M for the secondary water main and sewer network renovation program
  • $207.6 M for the ozone wastewater disinfection project
  • $103.8 M for projects to modernize the four drinking water production plants (Atwater, Des Baillets, Pierrefonds and Pointe-Claire)
  • $161.5 M for work operations on the Rockfield, William, Lavigne, Leduc and Saint-Thomas retention structures
  • $127.1 M for the Rosemont and McTavish reservoirs and pumping stations
  • $113.5 M for work on the network of primary water lines
  • $69.1 M for sewer collectors
  • $68.4 M for the Plan d’alimentation des réseaux de l’ouest (including the modernization of the Lachine and Dorval drinking water production plants)

More details of the plan are available at the official city portal.


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