Canadian Consulting Engineer

Montreal releases resilience strategy

June 26, 2018

"We are gathering the tools to improve our response to shocking events such as natural disasters, tragedies, terrorist attacks, or situations likely to weaken our city, such as an aging population, social exclusion, poverty and aging infrastructures" - Valérie Plante

During the kick off of the ICLEI World Congress 2018 in Montréal the city’s mayor, Valérie Plante, unveiled the city’s  Resilient City Strategy, an outline developed in collaboration with 100 Resilient Cities.

Montréal was the first Canadian city to sign onto the agenda of the 100 Resilient Cities in December 2014, and it’s now the first Canadian city to publish a resilience strategy: an outline that includes multiple measures whose implementation will span over the next five years, aiming to improve the city’s ability to face unforeseen events and disruptions.

Montréal’s Resilient City Strategy is built around four main orientations: supporting a united and safe community, protecting its living environment, maintaining a diversified and innovative economy, and promoting integrated governance in the service of the community.

“The strategy is intended for the entire population. We are gathering the tools to improve our response to shocking events such as natural disasters, tragedies, terrorist attacks, or situations likely to weaken our city, such as an aging population, social exclusion, poverty and aging infrastructures,” explained Plante.

The ICLEI is global network of more than 1,500 cities, towns and regions from more than 100 countries all committed to building a sustainable future. The World Congress event provides a network for peer-to-peer exchanges and the creation of strategic alliances all targeting the field of sustainable development.



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