Canadian Consulting Engineer

Montreal’s public works was “a kingdom within a kingdom”

March 4, 2013
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Startling testimony continued to pour out of the Charbonneau Commission inquiry last week concerning corruption in Quebec's construction industry.

Startling testimony continued to pour out of the Charbonneau Commission inquiry last week concerning corruption in Quebec’s construction industry.

According to reports in the Montreal Gazette, on February 27, Serge Pourreaux, former head of the city of Montreal’s purchasing department during the years 2003-2006, told the commission that in his time he knew that public works contracts were falsely inflated by 25-30 per cent more than necessary thanks to “a system of collusion and unnecessary additions and changes to contracts.”

Pourreaux said that the the city manager was concerned and demanded change, but the public works department “was a kingdom within a kingdom … untouchable.”


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