Canadian Consulting Engineer

National job board launches for Canada’s construction sectors

March 31, 2021

The site is designed to make recruiting and job searching more focused and efficient.

Construction Job Board

Annex Business Media, publisher of Canadian Consulting Engineer and other business magazines for the construction sector, has launched an industry-specific job portal designed to make both recruiting and job searching more focused and efficient: Construction JobSite.

The portal is powered by seven of Canada’s leading construction media brands:

Together, these omni-channel brands reach 468,000 industry professionals. This reach is further amplified by 76,000 CASL-compliant emails, 150,000 monthly qualified unique site visitors, social media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram) and audience extension as required.

“As we exit the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for qualified talent in this sector will be greater than ever,” explains Scott Jamieson, Annex’s chief operating officer (COO). “A recent BuildForce study forecasts the sector will need to recruit 309,000 workers to replace retirees between now and the end of the decade. Traditional, general-purpose job boards will not be sufficient for recruiting the right talent at that scale. We believe a vertical, focused approach will be more efficient and cost-effective. Our multi-platform reach creates the perfect opportunity to launch and then grow among an audience of new industry entries.”

Annex has partnered with the recruiting specialists at ConstructionGigs to ensure a simple user experience and client success.

“Partnering with Annex and its construction media brands is an exciting opportunity,” says ConstructionGigs’ CEO, Duncan Brown. “We bring the platform and knowledge of the recruiting space and what we need to do to be successful matchmakers. They deliver a massive audience to start, plus experience in building new audiences.”

Single job postings start at $199, while packs of five offer postings for as low as $160 each. A limited time discount of 20% on the above prices is available until May 15 by using the code CJS20. For further details, visit


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