Canadian Consulting Engineer

Canada introduces new energy efficiency rules for HVAC equipment

May 3, 2016

Canada’s Ministry of Natural Resources, James Gordon Carr, announced proposed updates to the Energy Efficiency Regulations for 20 HVAC, refrigeration and lighting products on April 30.

The updates are part of a series to be introduced over the next five years to increase minimum energy performance standards on residential, commercial and industrial mechanical and electrical equipment to help reduce climate change. Also, the announcement says the higher standards will help to align Canada’s energy efficiency standards with those of the U.S. by 2020  “as agreed upon by Prime Minister Trudeau and President Obama in the joint Statement on Climate, Energy and Arctic Leadership recently signed in Washington. DC.”

Introduced as Amendment 13 to the regulations, the updates affect 20 product categories. Most are for residential equipment, but seven are for commercial and industrial equipment, including:  packaged terminal air conditioners and heat pumps, chillers, commercial refrigeration and electric motors. Lighting is also affected, specifically fluorescent lamp ballasts, general service fluorescent and general service incandescent reflector lamps.

In 2017 the government intends to introduce 15 more product categories for updates as Amendment 14. These will include packaged and large air conditioners and heat pumps, commercial refrigeration, dry-type transformers, and more lighting equipment.

The government has said it will undertake consultations with provincial and territorial governments, industry, non-government organizations and the public through the release of product specific technical bulletins. The input will be considered as the regulations are drafted. The Amendment 13 proposed changes are open for a 75-day comment period, to end on July 14.

The energy efficiency regulations are enforced under Canada’s Energy Efficiency Act, which was passed in 1992. It provides for making and enforcing regulations, product labelling, and the collection of data on energy use.

The governments of Quebec, Ontario, B.C., Nova Scotia and New Brunswick also regulate energy-using products. Federal regulations do not take precedence over provincial regulations.

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