Canadian Consulting Engineer

New ASCE manual offers sustainability guidance for water pipelines

April 24, 2022

The ASCE has released its latest Manual of Practice (MOP), Sustainable Design of Pipelines: Guidelines for Achieving Advanced Functionality, MOP 151, a resource for those interested in promoting sustainability in the development, construction, and operation of pipeline projects.

Developed with both industry professionals and interested parties unfamiliar with applying sustainability practices to pipelines technologies, the MOP can be used to evaluate the potential impacts of a project and promote improvement in sustainable planning, design, construction, and operation. Stakeholders can use the tools provided to create projects that go beyond the typical standards of care for pipelines used by the water, wastewater, and stormwater industry.

This Manual of Practice demonstrates how to develop sustainable solutions through a well-defined process that includes:

  • Transparent and inclusive sustainability assessment methodology,
  • Clear problem definition,
  • Clear and measurable criteria to assess sustainability (Triple Bottom Line) as defined in the Envision Guidance Manual,
  • Full suite of alternatives for assessment, and
  • Consideration of collateral impacts.


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