Canadian Consulting Engineer

New Traffic Monitoring Practices Guide for Canada

September 11, 2017

The guide intended for transportation professionals involved in the planning, design, implementation, and management of traffic monitoring programs.

The Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) has released Traffic Monitoring Practices Guide for Canadian Provinces and Municipalities (2017) in its online Bookstore.

 The new publication is intended for transportation professionals involved in the planning, design, implementation, and management of traffic monitoring programs, as well as those with responsibilities involving the application of traffic data.

“The guide promotes uniformity in the approach and techniques used to deliver effective traffic monitoring programs in Canada and improves the quality of the traffic data provided by these programs,” says TAC project manager, Luay Mustafa. in a media release.

 The document references existing guidance and standards available elsewhere (principally in the U.S.), but accounts for the uniqueness of the Canadian context. It also addresses issues and challenges associated with monitoring interrupted traffic flow conditions, which are common in urban environments.

The guide covers all functions within a traffic monitoring program: design and evaluation; data collection and analysis; and reporting traffic data. Separate guidance is provided for motorized and non-motorized modes.

Priced at $199 for TAC members and $259 for non-members, the guide is available in both print and e-book formats.


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