Canadian Consulting Engineer

Nova Scotia using P3 process: prequalifies three bids for highway twinning project

January 25, 2019

While the province is using a P3 approach for Highway 104, it is not considering the implementation of any tolls to finance the project.

The prequalification phase for Highway 104 twinning request for proposals is complete.

Atlantic Safelink Partners, Dexter Nova Alliance and Osprey Transportation Solutions have qualified to bid on the Highway 104 twinning project.

The department is using a P3 model in which the responsibilities for designing, building, financing, operating and maintaining the highway is given to a single firm through a bidding process.

It allows for the firm to control the schedule of the project and helps reduce the timeline and associated risk.

A request for proposals will be issued to the three successful partnerships in the coming weeks for construction and maintenance.

Thirty-eight kilometres between Sutherlands River, Pictou Co. and Antigonish will be twinned as well as the construction of new interchanges and bridges.

While the province is using a P3 approach for Highway 104, it is not considering the implementation of any tolls to finance the project.

The department expects to announce the winner in early 2020.

The twinning of Highway 104 is to be completed by the end of 2023.


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