Canadian Consulting Engineer

OIQ expands access to international engineering grads

October 23, 2020

The changes are set to take effect before the end of the year.

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Yesterday, the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ), the Commission des titres d’ingénieur de France (CTI) and Ingénieurs et Scientifiques de France (IESF) signed an agreement that updates a 2008 mutual recognition arrangement (MRA) on the professional qualifications of engineers. The change expands access for French engineering program graduates and reduces recognition times for other foreign graduates.

Under the new agreement, the number of OIQ-approved French programs will rise from 400 to more than 560 and the process candidates follow to obtain the title of engineer will become faster.

“OIQ is showing leadership in facilitating access to the profession for internationally trained professionals,” explains OIQ president Kathy Baig, Eng. “These actions are helping to attract and retain international talent in Quebec.”

The agreement updates the requirements French candidates must meet to obtain a permit, aligning them more closely with the professional admission program all graduates in Quebec and internationally trained professionals from other countries must complete to obtain a permit. The program is based on both technical and professional competencies.

The new process will comprise a theoretical component (online training followed by professional examination) and a practical component, based on six competencies candidates must acquire in 24 or more months of practical engineering experience, including some that specifically relate to the engineering practice in Canada.

In the past, French graduates had to pass a professional examination and demonstrate three years of relevant engineering experience, but their graduate studies may not have been counted and they had to spend 12 months in Canada under the immediate control and supervision of an engineer.

All of the changes announced yesterday will take full effect later this year, after the regulation that gives effect to the agreement is updated.


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