Canadian Consulting Engineer

Ontario commissioner promotes building energy conservation

June 8, 2012
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Gord Miller, Ontario’s Environmental Commissioner, released the first part of his Annual Energy Conservation Progress Report 2011 on June 5.

Gord Miller, Ontario’s Environmental Commissioner, released the first part of his Annual Energy Conservation Progress Report 2011 on June 5.

Miller criticized Ontario for not following through on some promises made in the Green Energy Act passed three years ago, focusing particularly on the government’s weak performance on energy conservation.

Miller pointed out, for example, that the province had delayed the banning of incandescent light bulbs, and that it had abandoned the idea of having mandatory energy audits before the sale of a home. He recommended that the government move to enact these measures.

Miller did have praise, however, for the government’s higher energy efficiency standards in the building code. He proposed raising the bar even higher in the next edition of the code and would like to see the codes reviewed more frequently than every five years.

Miller also praised the government for requiring municipalities, school boards, hospitals and colleges and universities to develop energy conservation plans and to report on their organization’s energy usage. However, he said that the energy reporting should include information on additional items, such as street lighting and fleets.

To see the report, click here.


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