Canadian Consulting Engineer

Ontario Investing in Third Crossing Project in Kingston

June 14, 2017

Currently in the preliminary design phase, the province will provide up to $60M of the estimated $180M cost of the new bridge


rendering of the Third Crossing (source: City of Kingston: final preliminary design)

The province of Ontario has announced it is investing in the Third Crossing Project – a new bridge over the Cataraqui River that will connect the east and west communities in the Kingston area.

The new bridge, estimated to cost $180 million, will provide alternate routes for commuters, decrease traffic congestion along the LaSalle Causeway and provide additional access to the east end of the city for emergency vehicles. The new bridge will also provide future opportunities for pedestrians, cyclists and other forms of active transportation with a multi-use trail.

Ontario will provide up to $60 million and will work with the City of Kingston to investigate potential options to secure federal funding for this project. The City is responsible for building and maintaining the bridge, which is currently in the preliminary design phase. Construction is expected to begin in 2019 and projected to be complete by 2023.

Firms listed in the final preliminary design drawings include: Parsons, dtah, J.L. Richards, Golder Associates and CSW.



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