Canadian Consulting Engineer

Ontario prepares to build new generating plants

January 26, 2004
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

On January 20, Ontario Energy Minister, Dwight Duncan, announced that the province is looking for a firm to help th...

On January 20, Ontario Energy Minister, Dwight Duncan, announced that the province is looking for a firm to help them draft two requests for proposals (RFPs) to build new electricity generating plants.
The government said it will choose a technical advisor through a competition, and is looking for firms with direct expertisee and experience at conducting energy RFPs. The technical advisor will be asked to draft two RFPs for new electricity capacity and to oversee the RFP process, which is expected to begin in early February.
The province is hoping to put 2,500 MW of new generation capacity or demand-side management initiatives in place by 2007 at the latest. The commitment is part of the McGuinty government’s intention to replace coal-fired generation with cleaner sources of energy. The coal burning Lakeview Generating Station east of Toronto is scheduled to close in 2005, leaving the Greater Toronto Area with the risk of a power shortage.
The government says it wants to have 300 MW of renewable energy generation to be in service as soon as possible. Its target is to have five per cent (1,350 MW) of all generating power to come from renewables by 2007. (In comparison, British Columbia’s energy plan has set a target of 50% of all new electricity from clean and renewable sources.)
A recent task force report on Electricity Conservation and Supply in Ontario called for major reforms in the sector. In response, the province has promised to announce a "new vision for the electricity sector" in the spring, but in the meantime is pressing ahead with moves to address short-term shortages.
During the recent cold snap, the province’s consumption rose to a record 24.158 MW and forced the import of more than 1,200 MW of power.
The Minister has said imported power can’t solve the province’s power problems, but he is due to meet energy officials from Quebec on February 10 to talk about building new transmission lines between the provinces.


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