Canadian Consulting Engineer

Ontario widening Hwy 401 between Mississauga and Milton

April 11, 2017

The project includes adding high occupancy vehicle lanes in each direction and widening the existing six-lane configuration up to 12 lanes for some stretches.

Ontario’s Ministry of Transportation has announced it will be widening Highway 401 for an 18 km stretch between the Credit River in Mississauga to Regional Road 25 in Milton, and the province has issued a Request for Qualifications to design, build and finance the Highway 401 expansion project.

The scope includes adding high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes in each direction and widening the existing six lane configuration to:

  • Twelve lanes from the Credit River to Winston Churchill Boulevard
  • Ten lanes from Winston Churchill Boulevard to Highway 407 ETR / Highway 401 interchange
  • Twelve lanes from Highway 407 ETR / Highway 401 interchange to James Snow Parkway
  • Ten lanes from the James Snow Parkway to Regional Road 25

“Highway 401 is a critical highway for commuters and commercial traffic traveling throughout Ontario and the United States,” said Steven Del Duca,
Minister of Transportation, in a media release.

The average daily traffic for the Highway 401 in the Peel and Halton Region is approximately 108,000 to 188,000 vehicles per day.

” Morning and evening gridlock are the constant companion to western Mississauga motorists. Gridlock is the flip side to Mississauga’s continuing growth and dynamism,” noted Bob Delaney, MPP for Mississauga-Streetsville, in the release. “The widening and expansion of Highway 401 through northwest Mississauga will remove the bottleneck that slows eastbound morning traffic, and the westbound drive home. Our residents grasp and support the short-term construction inconvenience, noise and dust in return for the long-term ease of access, saving of time, and better use of our 401 traffic artery.”


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