Canadian Consulting Engineer

Passing out the praise in B.C.

March 16, 2007
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Consulting Engineers of British Columbia handed out its 18th annual Awards for Engineering Excellence at a gala hel...

Consulting Engineers of British Columbia handed out its 18th annual Awards for Engineering Excellence at a gala held on Saturday, March 3 at the Vancouver Convention and Exhibition Centre.
“The most prestigious award, the Lieutenant-Governor’s Award of Excellence, is given to the project that excels among the Awards of Excellence from five categories,” said CEBC President, Arnold Badke. “This year Sandwell Engineering was granted this award for its design of the Tanker Loading Unit, in Aniva Bay, Sakhalin Island, Russia.”
While the main awards recognize engineering projects, CEBC’s Meritorious Achievement Award recognizes an individual who demonstrates significant contributions to engineering, the development of the industry and the community. This year the award went to Dr. Ernest Portfors, who is recognized globally for his work in hydraulic engineering.

The award-winning projects are as follows.
? Category 1 – Buildings
Award of Excellence
Gulf Islands Operations Centre, Sidney, B.C. by Stantec Consulting
Award of Merit
Vancouver Island Conference Centre Deep Soil Mixing, Ground Stabilization Foundation, Nanaimo, B.C. by Golder Associates Ltd. and Golder Associates Innovative Applications (GAIA)

? Category 2 – Municipal
Award of Excellence
Seymour Falls Dam Seismic Upgrade, North Vancouver, B.C., by Klohn Crippen Berger Ltd., Hatch Energy Inc. and Greater Vancouver Water District
Award of Merit
Hart/Nechako Water Supply Improvements, Prince George, B.C. by Dayton & Knight Ltd.

? Category 3 – Transportation Engineering
Award of Excellence
Mount Lehman Interchange, Abbotsford, B.C., by McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd.
Award of Merit
Sea to Sky Highway DBFO – Furry Creek to Minaty Bay, by ISL Engineering and Land Services


? Category 4 – Resource, Energy and Industry
Award of Excellence
Tanker Loading Unit, Aniva Bay, Sakhalin Island, Russia, by Sandwell Engineering Inc.
Award of Merit
Tucush Valley Surface Water Management, Peru, by Klohn Crippen Berger Ltd.

? Category 5 – Soft Engineering (software, studies conceptual plans)
Award of Excellence
Greater Vancouver Sewerage & Drainage District, Seismic Assessment, by Sandwell Engineering Inc.
Award of Merit
KWL Emerald, by Kerr Wood Leidal Associates Ltd.

The panel of judges included Chief Judge John Haythorne, P.Eng, Principal, Bull Housser & Tupper; Jane Peverett, CEO BC Transmission Corporation; David Podmore, CEO Concert Properties Ltd.; Al Poettcker, CEO UBC Properties Trust; Dr. Bob Ito, P.Eng., Past President, Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of BC; Ken Day Past Chairman, BC Road Builders and Heavy Construction Association and Keith Switzer, AScT, President, Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of British Columbia;


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