Canadian Consulting Engineer

PEI and Feds investing in safe roadways

May 18, 2018

The federal government is contributing more than $1.1 million through the New Building Canada Fund.

The governments of Canada and Prince Edward Island are investing in well-planned infrastructure that will make it easier to move people and products across the province, while supporting sustained economic growth for years to come.

Bobby Morrissey, Member of Parliament for Egmontand the Paula Biggar, Prince Edward Island Minister of Transportation, Infrastructure and Energy, have announced joint support of over $2.6 million for extensive road improvement across the Province.

The federal government is contributing more than $1.1 million through the New Building Canada Fund. The Province of Prince Edward Island (PEI) will cover the remainder.

Work will include resurfacing, widening, and shouldering at five different locations across PEI’s National Highway System, and National Roads and Community Connectors.

These improvements will increase road safety, shorten travel time, and extend the use of overall road network for decades to come.


Route 2 – Wellington Centre, PEI

Resurfacing and rehabilitation of 1,200 metres of road.


Route 2 – New Annan Turn Lanes

Resurfacing, rehabilitation and widening of 500 metres of road, as well as the addition of a west bound left turn onto Route 120 Wilmot Valley Road, an east bound right turn lane onto Route 120 Wilmot Valley Road, and an east bound acceleration lane from Route 120 Wilmot Valley Road.


Route 2 – Hazel Grove

Resurfacing and rehabilitation of 1,300 metres of road.


Route 124 – Urbainville, PEI

Resurfacing, rehabilitation and widening of 1,300 metres of road.


Route 150 – Union, PEI

Resurfacing, rehabilitation, and widening of 500 metres of road along Route 150; replacement of a culvert bridge structure.


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