Canadian Consulting Engineer

Power positions hold the strings in construction today

September 25, 2013
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Quote: "There are realities around 21st century society, professionalism, and regulatory processes that need to be accepted if PEO is to be relevant. At one time, a consulting engineer could and would stop work on a construction site if he or...

Quote: “There are realities around 21st century society, professionalism, and regulatory processes that need to be accepted if PEO is to be relevant. At one time, a consulting engineer could and would stop work on a construction site if he or she was dissatisfied, period. Some years ago at a construction site meeting, I raised the issue of a particular site safety shortcoming. The contractor chairing the meeting told me directly to eff off. At the Algo Mall enquiry, we heard how an engineer modified his report at the ‘request’ of the owner. At the end of the day, power positions triumph in modern business and the engineer today is rarely in a power position. PEO officially recognized this in its submission to the Algo Mall Inquiry, where it seeks additional regulations to redress this imbalance.”

— From “Leaderless into Irrelevancy,” by Patrick Quinn, P.Eng. in Engineering Dimensions, September-October 2013, page 33, the official journal of Professional Engineers Ontario.

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