Canadian Consulting Engineer

Compact GuardDogs streamline boiler operations

May 28, 2024

GuardDog RB-122E Low Water Cut-Off for Hot Water Boilers

Photo courtesy McDonnell & Miller.

Xylem’s McDonnell & Miller business, currently celebrating its 100th anniversary, has updated its low water cutoff (LWCO) product line, including the GuardDog RB-24SE and RB-122E for hot water boilers, to streamline operations.

Designed per UL 353/1998, Standard for Limit Controls, the products feature a smaller design and backward compatibility for efficient integration. Both are equipped with self-cleaning probes to minimize scale buildup and prevent boiler shutdowns or water overfill, while extending the recommended cleaning interval.

The updated LWCO line also features a leak-free metal-to-metal seal and a push-to-test button to verify proper operation without draining any part of the system. A universal wiring harness fits most of today’s hot water boilers.


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