Canadian Consulting Engineer

New Greentherm 9000 series condensing tankless water heater

January 6, 2017
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

The series features an energy factor of 0.99 with thermal efficiency of 100 per cent.


Bosch Thermotechnology’s new Greentherm 9000 series tankless water heater

The new Bosch Greentherm 9000 series of tankless gas condensing water heaters includes nine models for domestic hot water in residential or commercial applications.

The series features an energy factor of 0.99 with thermal efficiency of 100 per cent, and it achieves temperature stability of plus- or minus- two degrees Fahrenheit through the active bypass.

Its technology controls output capacity and by combining the burner’s pulsating mode with the bypass valve to achieve the desired outlet temperature, even at low flow rates. Its operating range – between 9,000 and 199,000 Btu, saves energy when hot water demand is low.

Installation permits up to 60 feet of venting with two-inch pipe, or 280 feet of venting with three-inch pipe, using a wide range of venting material options.

It may be used with half-inch or three-quarter-inch gas line with appropriate connection, and a built-in recirculation pump allows for simpler installations.

The Greentherm 9000 series requires no dedicated return line, decreasing wait time for hot water at the tap, reducing water waste and saving an estimated 11,000 gallons a year per household.

The commercial Greentherm 9000 models offer heavy-duty primary and secondary heat exchangers for longer lifespan, and deliver water supply temperature to 180°F. Systems also can be cascaded up to 24 units to achieve flow rates of more than 200 gallons per minute – suitable for commercial buildings, schools and hotels.


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