Canadian Consulting Engineer

Public funds committed to infrastructure in NWT

January 12, 2018

Governments commit $96 million to roads and additional facilities in the North.

The governments of Canada and the Northwest Territories, together with local community governments, are investing in modern public infrastructure to the tune of over  $96 million.

Along with upgrading five main highways and additional community roads, the funding will support the construction of a new 1,500 sq. ft. youth centre in Colville Lake, a cold storage garage in Trout Lake, as well as fund the purchase of a new sewage vacuum truck in Wrigley, and rehabilitate a community access road in Behchokǫ̀.

“Investing in major highways and access roads is critical to continue meeting the needs of NWT communities and businesses through the effective delivery of essential goods and materials, while increasing driver safety. We are pleased to be working in partnership with Canada to undertake projects that will increase the resiliency of our transportation system to challenges related to age, increased traffic loads, and the impacts of climate change,” said Wally Schumann, Minister of Infrastructure, Government of the Northwest Territories, in a media release.


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