Canadian Consulting Engineer

PWGSC tightens rules to ward off corruption

July 30, 2012
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

The federal government has tightened its rules to prevent corruption creeping into the way it procures its services.

The federal government has tightened its rules to prevent corruption creeping into the way it procures its services.

Rona Ambrose, Minister of Public Works and Government Services, made the announcement on July 11, saying: “Our Government continues to stand up for accountability by ensuring we do business with companies that respect the law and act with integrity. We are taking action to protect taxpayers from fraudulent companies who seek to do business with the Government of Canada.”

Under the new rules, which became effective immediately, PWGSC extended the list of offences that will make companies and individuals ineligible to bid on contracts to include money laundering, participation in activities of criminal organizations, income and excise tax evasion, bribing a foreign public official, and drug trafficking.

These offences were added to the existing list, which include fraud under the Financial Administration Act, collusion, bid-rigging and payment of a contingency fee to a person to whom the Lobbying Act applies.

The list of offences will also apply now to PWGSC real property transactions, such as leasing agreements, letting of space, and the acquisition and disposal of Crown-owned properties.

The department will be able to terminate contracts with companies or individuals that are convicted before the end of their contract or lease.

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