Canadian Consulting Engineer

Quebec consulting engineering association appeals to firms

June 18, 2013
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

AICQ, the Association of Consulting Engineers of Quebec that represents 23,000 people in the industry, held an important conference in Montreal on June 11. A day full of lectures, discussions and the annual meeting concluded with an appeal by...

AICQ, the Association of Consulting Engineers of Quebec that represents 23,000 people in the industry, held an important conference in Montreal on June 11. A day full of lectures, discussions and the annual meeting concluded with an appeal by the association to its members and partners to adopt best practices and to contribute to lasting change.

Johanne Desrochers, president and chief executive officer of AICQ, said: “At the end of the day, I am convinced that Quebec consulting engineering has the will, capacity and support to improve the situation and focus on its positive contribution to society and the economy of Quebec. The current crisis is causing tremendous harm to consulting engineering and the entire engineering profession, but it provides a real opportunity to adopt best practices for the future.”

The AICQ event attended by 100 people included a session where they heard the results of exclusive surveys of the general public and young professionals that measured the impacts of the revelations of corruption in recent months.

The participants also discussed the culture of corporations and organizations, including social responsibility and the criteria for awarding contracts, as well as the importance of collaboration between different stakeholders in contracts.

To set the new tone, the AICQ has adjusted its governance framework. At the annual meeting which was part of the day’s events the association voted to allow two external representatives to be included on its board for the first time. Also a representative of AICQ’s Young Professionals Group will be included in the board.

An unusual number of six new directors was elected as well. This was due to some board members reaching the end of their mandate and also due to resignations.

Marc Tremblay, executive vice president and general manager at exp, who was previously AICQ president of the board for 2012-2013, was appointed acting chairman until the new executive committee is formed in the coming weeks.

The other members of the board for 2013-2014 are Charles Chebl of SNC-Lavalin; Normand D’Anjou of Golder, Claude Décary of Bouthillette Parizeau; Jean Demers of MMM; Johanne Desrochers of AICQ, Isabelle Jodoin of Dessau; Sébastien Legault-Lavallée of AXOR Experts-Conseils, Pierre Nader of SPN, Jacques Parent of TDA; and Robert Rivard of Infrastructel.


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