Canadian Consulting Engineer

Quebec has to post public contracts worth than $25,000

April 11, 2011
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

As of April 1, all municipalities and public bodies in Quebec are now required to publicly post the awarding of any new contracts that are worth more than $25,000.

As of April 1, all municipalities and public bodies in Quebec are now required to publicly post the awarding of any new contracts that are worth more than $25,000.

The rules are intended to improve transparency in the public sphere. Quebec has been plagued by complaints of irregularities and influence peddling in the awarding of construction contracts over the past year. Investigations are ongoing.

Under the new rules, contracts have to be posted on the province’s official portal for tenders, the Système Electronique d’Appel d’Offres, or SEAO.  As well, the municipalities and public bodies have to provide a link to the SEAO site on their websites.

The rules were introduced by an amendment to the Quebec Cities and Towns Act last year, and are being overseen by the Municipal Affairs Department.


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