Canadian Consulting Engineer

Quebec to reopen all construction May 11

April 29, 2020


Jean Boulet, Quebec’s minister of labour, employment and social solidarity, confirms the province’s entire construction industry will reopen on May 11.

“Residential construction sites, which resumed operations on April 20, have demonstrated their commitment to protecting the health and safety of their workers,” he says. “If all goes well, other types of construction sites will return to work on May 11. I expect this reopening to proceed smoothly and in strict compliance with the measures prescribed by public health authorities.”

Indeed, the decision is backed by Quebec’s public health authorities, but subject to change depending on the province’s situation. Staff performing administrative duties will continue to work remotely.

Job sites will resume activity in every sector of the industry, including public transportation, road works, residential, institutional, commercial and industrial. The resumption will also result in a complete reopening of industry procurement chains, including many small and medium-sized businesses.

Boulet reminds businesses they must take steps to ensure the reopening is successful. To that end, the Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST) has prepared a kit to equip employers and workers with information to manage the risks of spreading COVID-19 and ensure safety. The kit can be found at CNESST’s website.

To ensure implementation of CNESST’s instructions, 300 inspectors will maintain a presence on construction sites and, if needed, take action in cases involving a complaint, right of refusal or serious industrial accident, demand any dangerous situations be remedied and ensure compliance with Quebec’s Act respecting Occupational Health and Safety (AOHS) and its regulations.


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