Canadian Consulting Engineer

Quebec water reuse technology helps in California drought

September 1, 2015

A company in Quebec City that designs and manufactures water and wastewater treatment systems based on membrane filtration has won contracts in the United States that will help to alleviate the country’s drought situation.

In California, H2O Innovation of Quebec City has been contracted to provide and commission an ultra-filtration system that will recycle wastewater. The project is the third expansion to the City of Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility which sits adjacent to the huge Encina Water Pollution Control Centre. This plant diverts its secondary effluent from an ocean outfall to the recycling plant for further treatment. The H2O system will have a 3 MGD (11,356 m3/d) capacity. The treated water will be used for non-potable applications in industry and irrigation.

The Sweetwater Authority in California, located near San Diego, has also selected H2O

Innovation to expand its desalination plant, built in 2000. The existing system produces 4 MGD (15,141 m3/d) of drinking water and will be increased to 5 MGD (18,927 m3/d) with the addition of three reverse osmosis (RO) trains treating brackish water. Furthermore, the City of Arkansas in Kansas has also contracted H2O Innovation to replace its existing lime softening system used for the production of drinking water. A new four trains RO system will be piloted for 45 days and is designed to produce 3 MGD (11,356 m3/d) of drinking water from groundwater.

Meanwhile, back home in Quebec, H2O Innovation is to design, manufacture, deliver and commission a new membrane bioreactor (MBR) wastewater treatment system. This wastewater system of

three trains will treat 36 GPM (196 m3/d) of wastewater. It is the first time the company has provided its green wastewater technology in the province.

To read the H2O press release, click here.



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