Canadian Consulting Engineer

Queen’s Marque District underway on Halifax waterfront

January 19, 2017

The project will draw on local talent and knowledge—the architects, consultants and builders wherever possible will be local to this region.

Queen's Marque

Queen’s Marque District rendering

Development of the Queen’s Marque District,  a mixed-use commercial, retail and residential development including 75,000 sq. ft. of public space and three new wharfs, is now underway on the Halifax waterfront.

In a release from the Waterfront Development Corp., a provincial Crown Corporation, it was announced that the province has approved additional capital funding of $1.8 million to support site preparation and remediation, enhanced public spaces, and build a new temporary floating boardwalk. The total approved investment is $6.5 million; $4.75 million was originally approved in 2010.

“This public investment will leverage almost $200 million in private-sector investment enhancing the value and appeal of an important public place and a key tourism asset – the Halifax waterfront – for residents and visitors,” said Jennifer Angel, acting president and CEO, Waterfront Development.

Waterfront Developement, together with developer The Armour Group Ltd., unveiled plans for the Queen’s Marque District in May 2016. The project will take approximately three years.

Located in the heart of the waterfront district, the site covers almost five acres. Known historically as Queen’s Landing, the area is rich in military, marine and mercantile history. The new destination include designs speaking to the province’s shipbuilding past, present and future. Features will include a central public plaza, passageways, and an art installation.

“Queen’s Marque is a deeply local project,” said Scott McCrea, CEO of The Armour Group Ltd. in the release. “To create something born of this place, it is essential to draw on local talent and knowledge. The architects, consultants and builders wherever possible will be local to this region.”


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