Canadian Consulting Engineer

R.V. Anderson to manage huge infrastructure project for Toronto

September 28, 2009
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

R.V. Anderson Associates of Toronto has been retained by the city of Toronto to provide program management, de...

R.V. Anderson Associates of Toronto has been retained by the city of Toronto to provide program management, design, inspection and contract administration services for a stand-alone project to replace approximately 80 kilometres of water distribution mains.  The capital works will be completed through approximately 30 construction contracts.

The program is part of the city’s plan to renew its aging water distribution system, which includes 6,000 kilometres of water mains with an average age of 60 years. The city repairs approximately 1,500 water main breaks a year.

For this project, R.V. Anderson will function as an extension of the city’s in-house resources.

Ken Morrison, P.Eng. president of R.V. Anderson, noted how pleased they are to be working with the city on the project, noting that his firm has been doing similar work for the city throughout the firm’s 61-year history.



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