Canadian Consulting Engineer

RAIC College of Fellows reelects Thomas Emodi as Dean

April 30, 2021

Emodi will serve a second term as Dean after being acclaimed earlier in April.

Thomas Emodi. Image Credit: RAIC.

Thomas Emodi, FRAIC, a Halifax architect, has been re-elected by acclamation to serve a second three-year term as Dean of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) College of Fellows.

“It is a privilege and pleasure to continue serving as Dean of the College for the next three years,” Emodi said in a statement.

The statement also outlined some of the goals of the College’s National Committee, including making the RAIC College more inclusive, targeting appropriate levels of College membership from all regions, and editing the nomination criteria to be more specific.

“Additionally, I believe we should reinvigorate and increase fundraising as soon as possible,” Emodi said. “Sponsorship drives for annual conferences and awards programs have diminished during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Emodi has over 40 years of architectural practice, research, and teaching in Australia, Canada, Africa, China, and the Middle East. He was an architecture professor at Dalhousie University in Halifax for more than 20 years, where he also served as Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Planning from 1997 to 2003.

The mission of the College of Fellows, founded in 1941, is to strengthen and reinforce efforts of the RAIC in its work to enhance and develop the profession of architecture.


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