Canadian Consulting Engineer

RCMP has one of Canadian government’s greenest buildings

September 10, 2013
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

A brand new RCMP division headquarters was opened at the end of August in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.

A brand new RCMP division headquarters was opened at the end of August in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.

The $113-million building is being called “one of the most energy efficient buildings ever constructed by the Government of Canada.” It is intended for LEED Gold certification, with environmental features that include a green roof over half the roof area and recycled rainwater used for fixtures and also building operations. It is approximately 47% more energy efficient than a building constructed to minimum standards.

Located in the Burnside Business Park, the five storey, 23,778-square metre building was completed well ahead of schedule and on budget. It consolidates 10 different offices of the RCMP H Division under one roof, centralizing the crime investigation units with dog units, emergency response teams, traffic patrols etc.

Lydon Lynch and Dialog were in charge of planning, design and construction. Campbell Comeau was structural engineer, M & R Engineering were mechanical and electrical engineers, O’Halloran Campbell was civil-municipal engineer and CFMS Atlantic did commissioning.

The building form is long and narrow to allow for maximum daylight to penetrate inside. Mixed-mode mechanical systems also help to reduce the energy consumption, with sensors and operable windows that allow the occupants to have individual control wherever possible.

The cabling system is “future-proofed” to reduce the need for duplication or renovations when the interior use changes.

As ell the construction used locally sourced materials or recycled materials as much as possible. The construction site was developed with careful control and monitoring to avoid impacts on the adjacent Spectacle Lake Westland Reserve.


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