Canadian Consulting Engineer

RJC relocates Victoria office to the Rotunda

March 29, 2023

The firm has operated in the city for more than 70 years.

The Rotunda

Photo courtesy RJC.

RJC Engineers has relocated its Victoria office into one of its signature projects, the Rotunda, at 1515 Douglas Street.

Owned by Jawl Properties, the Rotunda is named after a showcase structural element designed by RJC, which crowns the top of the atrium space (pictured). The six-storey office and retail building is located downtown, across from Victoria City Hall, and offers open-concept workspaces, a fitness facility, bike storage, showers and change rooms. RJC occupies Suite 330.

“I am excited about this office move and the opportunities it presents for our team,” says managing principal Terry Bergen. “Our new location provides the space and amenities we need and a better experience for our clients and colleagues.”

RJC has been a fixture of the Victoria business community for more than 70 years, providing structural engineering, building science, energy modelling and restoration services to commercial, residential and institutional clients.


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