Canadian Consulting Engineer

RWDI expanding in Guelph and investing in new technologies

September 18, 2017

Company establishing one of the world's most advanced centres for wind tunnel research and rapid prototyping and modelling. 

Rowan Williams Davies & Irwin Inc. (RWDI) is investing in new technology at its Guelph, Ontario facility including three wind tunnels and open channel water flume technologies to establish one of the world’s most advanced centres for wind tunnel research and rapid prototyping and modelling.

Ontario is partnering with RWDI, investing up to $1.73 million through its Jobs and Prosperity Fund (JPF), and the federal government also announced a repayable contribution of up to $4.5 million as part of an overall investment by the company valued at $41.14 million. The project is scheduled for completion in 2021.


Michaek Soligo, president/CEO, RWDI

“Our roots have been in Ontario for more than 40 years, so we are thrilled about our expansion in Guelph,” said Michael Soligo, president and CEO, RWDI, in a media release. “This partnership with the province allows us to invest in state-of-the-art technologies – which will help us boost our competitiveness, offer even greater innovative solutions for our valued customers around the world and push the boundaries of what is possible.”

RWDI is a world-leading climate engineering, building performance and environmental engineering firm with more than 400 employees in 15 cities around the world. The new investment in Guelph will lead to some 125 new jobs.


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