Canadian Consulting Engineer

Skyscraper La Phare to soar over Quebec City

March 10, 2015

The 400-year old city we associate with quaint cobbled streets and exquisite grey stone buildings is to be transformed if plans for a soaring new tower go ahead.

Groupe Dallaire has unveiled plans for a 65-storey tower complex to be built on the Ilot des Gouverneurs site at the western end of Quebec City. It would be the tallest building east of Toronto and would have three sister towers of between 25-30 storeys each.

The gleaming glass and steel centrepice, called La Phare (Lighthouse) is topped with a sail-like sculpture that points to the St. Lawrence River. The design pays homage to the time when Quebec was a major port and sailing ships plied the waters of the St. Lawrence carrying passengers and goods during Canada’s nascent history.

Developer Michel Dallaire, chair of Groupe Dallaire, unveiled the plans for the $600-million project in February, announcing it will total 2 million square feet of space. The complex will house offices, a hotel, condominiums, and a public observation deck at the top.

Dallaire said: “Over a year ago, the Mayor of Quebec City called on us to create a flagship building at the city’s western gateway – a new symbol of our beautiful city that would be highly recognizable. Today, we are answering that call and delivering this one-of-a-kind project whose distinctiveness will become synonymous with the city itself and resonate far beyond our borders.”

The architect of the building is Alpha Architecture. The structural and mechanical-electrical engineers have not been selected yet.

The tower still has to get planning permission, and there have been objections in the local press from architects over the scale of the development.

Plans are for construction to begin in 2016 and to take place over 10 years.

To watch a video about the tower, click here.


La Phare de Québec. , Quebec City.  Image:  Groupe Dallaire Inc.

La Phare de Québec. , Quebec City. Image: Groupe Dallaire Inc.


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