Canadian Consulting Engineer

SNC-Lavalin appoints new president of infrastructure projects

August 25, 2020

The role focuses on Canadian transportation projects.

Robert E. Alger

LinkedIn photo.

Robert E. Alger, former president, CEO and chair of Lane Construction, has joined Montreal-based consulting engineering firm SNC-Lavalin as president of infrastructure projects. He succeeds Jonathan Wilkinson, who is moving on to a new role with another organization.

‘Bob’ Alger has extensive civil engineering experience in the U.S. transportation and infrastructure sector, which SNC-Lavalin has identified as a core market and key growth area. During his leadership, Lane Construction’s annual revenues increased sixfold to more than US$2 billion. He has also served as president of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Construction Institute and earned ASCE’s Outstanding Project and Leadership (OPAL) Award in 2013.

In his new role, Alger will be responsible for continuing to run down SNC-Lavalin’s major lump sum turnkey (LSTK) projects in the Canadian transportation sector and for building a pipeline of new business in the U.S. He will also help the firm develop and deploy new contracting models to limit risk.

“Bob is at once a highly skilled engineer, with a deep understanding of the full life cycle of projects and what makes them successful, and an accomplished senior executive, who has built a successful business,” says Ian L. Edwards, president and CEO of SNC-Lavalin. “I look forward to working with him as we continue the transformation of SNC-Lavalin into a leading global engineering services firm.”


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