Canadian Consulting Engineer

SNC-Lavalin to provide floodplain mapping services for North Carolina

November 2, 2022
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

The Montreal-based company will support the state's floodplain mapping program to enhance preparedness and resiliency as it relates to water and non-water hazards.

Montreal-based SNC-Lavalin has been reselected to continue providing floodplain mapping services for the North Carolina Division of Emergency Management.

Under the new three-year, not-to-exceed US$30 million Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract, the company will support the state’s floodplain mapping program to enhance preparedness and resiliency as it relates to water and non-water hazards.

Under the new contract, the SNC-Lavalin will continue providing the following services:

  • Resilient redevelopment plans for nine counties post-Hurricane Matthew
  • Rainfall runoff modeling and dam inundation analyses for more than 500 dams
  • Floodplain modeling and mapping maintenance for six counties
  • Program management for rain-on-grid two-dimensional modeling and river basin mitigation studies
  • On-call support for state emergency operations center activation
  • Independent quality review of riverine modeling in nine counties for fiscal year 2016 map maintenance

“Flooding is one of nature’s most devastating challenges facing communities today, placing life and property at risk…[and] we are committed to helping counter the effects of climate change by providing our clients with industry leading expertise, innovative solutions and effective tools to create safer, flood-resilient communities,” said SNC-Lavalin president and CEO Ian L. Edwards.

In addition to the floodplain mapping services, support related to emergency preparedness and response may be provided. As a production and technical services contractor for FEMA, SNC-Lavalin has completed similar services to 47 other states, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and 11 other cooperating technical partners.


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