Canadian Consulting Engineer

Statistics Canada paints bright snapshot of consulting engineering in 2007

September 4, 2009
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

On August 27, 2009, Statistics Canada issued its Summary Statistics for Engineering Services between 2005 to 2...

On August 27, 2009, Statistics Canada issued its Summary Statistics for Engineering Services between 2005 to 2007. Since these are the latest figures available, they represent the situation before the world financial crisis hit during 2008.

The total operating revenue of the engineering services industry across Canada for 2007 was $17,847.9 million. The same figure for 2006 was $15,371.7 billion.

In the “Highlights” released on August 27, Statistic Canada noted the following trends.

* Operating revenues for the engineering service firms reached $17.8 billion in 2007, up 16.1% from 2006.

* The majority of the revenue from engineering services came from industrial and manufacturing projects, such as petroleum and mining.

* The operating profit margin was 12.9%. Operating expenses reached $15.6 billion, up 14.5% from 2006. Salaries, wages, benefits and other labour costs represented 58.3% of the total operating expenses.

* Businesses represent 55.9% of the clients, followed by governments (23.9%).

* Firms in Alberta accounted for 28.2% of revenues, followed by Ontario (26.9%), Quebec (19.4%), and British Columbia (16.6%).

* The growth in operating revenues was higher in the Western provinces than in Central Canada. Operating revenues in Ontario and Quebec grew by 8.1% and 7.3% respectively, compared to British Columbia (23.2%), Saskatchewan (21.9%) and Alberta (19.2%). In British Columbia, construction activity continued to advance. High world prices for grains and potash helped Saskatchewan. Alberta had an increase in oil and gas extraction.




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