Canadian Consulting Engineer

Stop “pussyfooting” over bridge — union

August 22, 2011
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Teamsters Canada are fed up with all the repairs being made to the Champlain Bridge corridor and other infrastructure in Montreal and spoke out in no uncertain terms.

Teamsters Canada are fed up with all the repairs being made to the Champlain Bridge corridor and other infrastructure in Montreal and spoke out in no uncertain terms.

“While the work is necessary, the Teamsters Union believes that the federal government has to stop pussyfooting around and make the right decision under the circumstances: to build a new bridge.”

The Teamsters said they were joining the many politicians, contractors and citizens calling for a new bridge to replace the deteriorating crossing.

They said “tens of thousands of people [are] faced with the nightmare of crossing the Champlain Bridge every day … We would like to point out that in order to avoid roads and bridges under construction, workers have to take detours and are often stuck in endless traffic jams, resulting in productivity loss that hurts the economy…. Ottawa has to act now because it’s only a matter of time before the problems get worse.” The release also questioned why the government could easily cut taxes “for a handful of businesses … yet is dragging its heels about solving a critical problem for tens of thousands of its Montreal constituents.”


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