Canadian Consulting Engineer

TECHNICAL RESOURCES – Concrete, Lighting, Water, Refrigerants, Energy Management, Sustainable Design

January 10, 2011
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

The Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI) is introducing, "Reinforced Concrete Explorer," a web-based tool to help project teams optimize the structural frames of buildings.

The Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI) is introducing, “Reinforced Concrete Explorer,” a web-based tool to help project teams optimize the structural frames of buildings.

“The Sustainable Concrete Guide – Strategies and Examples,” and the “Sustainable Concrete Guide – Applications,” are two new resources published by the U.S. Green Concrete Council.

The Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IES) is publishing the 10th edition of its “IES Lighting Handbook” this January. It includes new illuminance determination procedures, and extensive updates on light sources, including solid state lighting sources. The last edition was published in 2000.

The American Water Works Association has a new “Manual of Water Supply Practices: M57, Algae: Source to Treatment.” The manual addresses the control of this increasing problem in surface water.

ASHRAE has published 2010 editions of standards for major refrigerants. “ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 34-2010, Designation and Safety Classification of Refrigerants,” and “ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 15-2010, Safety Standard for Refrigeration System,” complement each other. Standard 34 describes a shorthand way of naming refrigerants and assigns safety classifications based on toxicity and flammability. Standard 15 establishes procedures for operating equipment and systems.

Schneider Electric has launched “Energy University” to drive energy management and education. The vendor-neutral, online educational tool provides fundamental information on how to implement successful energy efficient solutions. It includes over 34 courses and education credits. Each course can be completed in around an hour.

“Re-inventing Construction” is a 440-page book featuring articles and case studies by 38 internationally renowned architects, engineers and scholars. The book is inspired by the 3rd International Holcim Forum for Sustainable Construction,

 “Mastering Difficult Conversations” is a toolkit of training videos and other tools. Sold by Briefings Publishing Group.


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