Canadian Consulting Engineer

TechNotes: ACRONYMS, aaaAGH !!

January 2, 2003
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

A new book, "Techtalk: Acronyms and Technical Terms for Canadians," promises relief to anyone frustrated by the pro...

A new book, “Techtalk: Acronyms and Technical Terms for Canadians,” promises relief to anyone frustrated by the proliferating and irritating trend of using initial letters instead of full words and titles. The use of acronyms has become such a scourge in technology writing today, that many articles and reports read like a secret code intended for a small group of initiates rather than language intended to communicate.
The reference book includes terms from broadcasting astronomy, telecommunications, electronics, space sciences, government and the Internet.
Written and published by Daphne Lavers, a science and technology journalist, it is 210 pages, paperback and available from Trafford publishing at $24.70 (US $15.95).


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