Canadian Consulting Engineer

TransLink seeks engineers’ ideas for addressing COVID-19

September 17, 2020

The transit authority's Open Call for Innovation returns.

TransLink Tomorrow

TransLink, Metro Vancouver’s public transit authority, is seeking ideas from Canada’s engineering community for improving health, safety and public trust while welcoming customers back in the context of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

With this year’s edition of TransLink’s annual Open Call for Innovation, the organization especially wants to hear about such ideas as:

  • enhancing sanitization and ventilation throughout the public transit system.
  • supporting physical distancing while efficiently managing passenger flow through facilities and vehicles.
  • modifying physical spaces, hardware and amenities to reduce the risk of viral transmission.

If a submission is accepted, TransLink offers co-funding and other support to help further develop the idea, including access to its own assets for testing and demonstration purposes and even the opportunity to ‘pilot’ an idea on a larger scale through a partnership arrangement.

The deadline for submissions is Oct. 22. For more information, click here.


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