Canadian Consulting Engineer

Plans for redevelopment of Edmonton’s City Centre Airport Lands move ahead

July 3, 2014
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Perkins + Will of Vancouver have been selected from three international finalists to develop a master plan for the City Centre Airport lands in Edmonton. The redevelopment is one of Edmonton's largest land transformations in decades.

Perkins + Will of Vancouver have been selected from three international finalists to develop a master plan for the City Centre Airport lands in Edmonton. The redevelopment is one of Edmonton’s largest land transformations in decades.

The airport, “Blatchford Field, or Edmonton Municipal Airport,” occupied approximately 58 hectares just north of the Edmonton city centre. The last plane flew out in 2013.

The redevelopment plans are for a sustainable, transit-oriented community for up to 30,000 residents. Perkins + Will’s “Connect-i-city” design plans were developed in collaboration with Civitas Urban Design and Planning, Group 2 Architecture, and landscape architects Phillips Farevaag Smallenberg. Mechanical and electrical engineer is Cobalt Engineering, while transportation consultant is Nelson Nygaard. Sustainable buildng design consultants are Archineers.

On June 10, 2014, Edmonton city council approved the plans, which include:


– more park and open spaces than traditional developments, which will allow most future residents to be within a two minute walk of the central park

– a district energy system that will provide heating and cooling for the community

– a local roadway system to emphasize active transportation, creating a highly walkable and bicycle-friendly neighbourhood with easy access to public transit

– high-performance homes and buildings that will require less power, heat and water than in conventional construction

– connection to Edmonton’s waste management system and water and wastewater treatment facilities


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