Canadian Consulting Engineer

Saskatchewan construction on a roll

February 27, 2012
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

The growth of the construction market in Saskatchewan has outpaced other provinces in Canada, says a report from the Construction Sector Council.

The growth of the construction market in Saskatchewan has outpaced other provinces in Canada, says a report from the Construction Sector Council.

The report says that since 2001, the construction workforce has expanded by almost 70 per cent. It found that most of the growth was in the mining and utility sectors, but other sectors are also active.

Since 2001, Saskatchewan’s construction labour force has increased from around 23,000 workers to an estimated 37,500 in 2011. Demand is projected to continue to grow over the next few years. “Our challenge going forward is that the same skilled trades are in demand at the same time for other resource projects across Canada,” said Michael Fougere, president of the Saskatchewan Construction Association.



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