Canadian Consulting Engineer

Twittering On – Miscellaneous

September 13, 2010
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Hydro-Quebec is delaying starting refurbishments to its Gentilly-2 nuclear generating station. The decision wa...

Hydro-Quebec is delaying starting refurbishments to its Gentilly-2 nuclear generating station. The decision was taken “in light of revised schedules for the refurbishment of CANDU-type generating stations now under way at Point Lepreau, N.B. and in Wolsong, South Korea.”
B.C.’s labour movement and leading environmental organizations are joining together to find solutions to create green jobs and build a green economy in B.C. The coalition includes 25 environmental and trade union organizations, including the BC Federation of Labour, Pembina Institute, United Steelworkers of Canada and David Suzuki Foundation. The organizations held a joint conference in Vancouver on September 10-11. Up for discussion were transportation, electricity generation, buildings and resource industries.
Bill and Melinda Gates have donated $5.6 million to Water for People, a non-profit international organization whose supporters include large engineering companies. The grant is to support an ‘Innovation Sanitation as a Business Program.” It will provide incentives for small local companies and households to develop sanitation services in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
ASHRAE has recently translated two of its standards into Spanish and Portuguese. The Argentina chapter translated into Spanish, Standard 189.1-2009, Standard for the Design of High Performance, Green Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings. The Brasil Green Building Council helped translate into Portuguese, Standard 90.1-2007, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings.
The Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) and the Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Institute of Canada (HRAI) recently signed a memorandum of understanding on mutual cooperation and assistance.
University of California, Irvine Extension has launched a Certificate Program in Sustainable Community Planning & Development. The interdisciplinary course is said to be “the first of its kind.” Click here.





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