Canadian Consulting Engineer

Two Ontario engineering students receive DFI scholarship awards

January 26, 2018

Lauren Augustin at the University of Waterloo and Yaman Zahra from Western each receive US$2,500 Manuel Fine scholarship awards.

The Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) Educational Trust has awarded two Manuel Fine Civil Engineering Scholarships each in the amount of US$2,500.

Lauren Augustin is an undergraduate civil engineering student at the University of Waterloo. Augustin developed her interest in the deep foundation industry after a work term at a design-build construction firm, noting in her essay that “working at the firm…revealed the complexity of the field and made me interested in pursuing it further.”

Yaman Zahra is an undergraduate student pursuing a B.S. in civil engineering at Western University in London. Zahra noted in his essay that his internship for a foundation contractor caused him to realize “that foundation work is way more interesting and challenging than any other type of construction because you are dealing with the earth which is filled with surprises.”




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