Canadian Consulting Engineer

UNBC to create unified engineering school

September 1, 2020

The university offers civil and environmental engineering programs, as well as integrated wood design.

UNBC students

Photos courtesy UNBC.

Last week, the senate for the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC) authorized the unification of the institution’s various engineering programs—including civil and environmental engineering and integrated wood design—through the planned creation of a new school of engineering.

The move follows what the university–based primarily in Prince George, B.C.–calls a strong business and community response to the programs, which support hands-on field experience for students through industry partnerships, including experiential learning and co-op placements.

The programs were previously facilitated by different schools within UNBC. After bringing them, their faculty and their students together, the university expects to develop new degree programs accordingly.

Geoffrey Payne, vice-chancellor and interim president, calls the move “the next step for the suite of engineering programs at UNBC,” reports the Prince George Citizen.

UNBC campus


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