Canadian Consulting Engineer

Vancouver to require LEED Gold

August 9, 2010
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Vancouver City Council has approved a policy that will require all new buildings with rezonings to be designed...

Vancouver City Council has approved a policy that will require all new buildings with rezonings to be designed to LEED Gold Standard.
The change will take effect onJanuary 31, 2011.
Mayor Gregor Robertson said, “By bringing in a LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Gold standard, we’ll reduce our greenhouse ases, create new job opportunities for our local green buildin sector, and continue to take a leadership role on urban planning in North America.”
The policy is expected to result in 20 to 30 new green buildings every year.
The “Green Rezoning Policy” is part of the city’s push under “Greenest City2020” to become the leading city in the world for green building design and construction by 2020.


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