Canadian Consulting Engineer

Virtual Event
ADVANCE: Women in Engineering 2024
June 20, 2024 at 11:30am ET


Recognized as one of the Top 100 Employers in Canada and a Best Managed Company in Canada, McElhanney is a trusted and experienced professional consulting firm with longstanding relationships with clients and communities across Western Canada, and beyond.

Our employee-owned company offers geomatics (surveying/mapping), engineering, geospatial, environmental, planning, and landscape architecture services to clients in three market sectors:

  • Cities, Communities & Parks
  • Energy & Resources
  • Transportation & Transit

We have over 30 offices throughout BC and Alberta, with a specialty office in Florida (USA).

Our ISO 9001:2015-certified firm comprises 1,500+ professionals who are driven by passion and grit to care for our communities and empower one another to deliver high-quality solutions for our clients every day. Collectively, our team has won over 100 industry project awards since 2000 alone.

The talented women at McElhanney are a driving force behind our projects, contributing exceptional solutions for clients, partners, and communities.

As we lead up to International Women in Engineering Day, McElhanney looks forward to celebrating the diversity and excellence of our female colleagues.


McElhanney boasts several initiatives to support women in engineering:

  • 30 x 30 Commitment: We are a committed partner in reaching 30% of our total STEM positions held by women by 2030.
  • Women At McElhanney (WAM) Committee: An initiative to increase women in senior technical roles and management (including the Board), WAM focuses on career development of female staff through training, outreach, and networking. WAM hosts annual conferences, works with industry experts, and engages various regions to achieve our 30 x 30 goal. Popular initiatives include the WAM “Safe Spaces” series, virtual meetings for female-identified staff to raise concerns, share ideas, and support each other in a safe and confidential environment.
  • McElhanney Women in STEM Scholarships: In recognition of the contributions of people who identify as women at McElhanney, the Women in Engineering and Women in Geomatics and Geospatial Scholarships are designed to inspire and celebrate future leaders in STEM while upholding our unwavering commitment to creating opportunities where women have equal opportunity to grow their careers.

Visit for more information on McElhanney.

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