Canadian Consulting Engineer

Wastewater upgrades funded in Alberta

January 16, 2018

The towns of Vermilion, Barrhead and St. Paul will receive over $14M in federal funds for wastewater treatment plant upgrades.

Representatives from all levels of government were on hand January 15th to announce federal-provincial funding of more than $16.3 million for four water and wastewater projects in Alberta.

In the towns of VermilionBarrhead and St. Paul, wastewater treatment plant upgrades will proceed to increase capacity, and in the Municipal District of Pincher Creek, a new water reservoir for the Hamlet of Beaver Mines will ensure an emergency supply of clean drinking water is available at all times.

A breakdown of the funding:


Project name

Federal funding

Provincial funding

Municipal funding

MD of Pincher Creek

Hamlet of Beaver Mines Treated Water Storage




Town of Barrhead

Barrhead wastewater treatment plant upgrades




Town of St. Paul

St. Paul wastewater treatment plant upgrades




Town of Vermilion

Vermilion wastewater treatment plant upgrade





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