Canadian Consulting Engineer

What companies are up to: C02 sequestration, oilsands

February 14, 2008
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Hatch Energy is one of a group of 19 companies taking part in a carbon dioxide sequestration project in Alberta. th...

Hatch Energy is one of a group of 19 companies taking part in a carbon dioxide sequestration project in Alberta. the Alberta Saline Aquifer Project will pioneer the technology of injecting carbon dioxide emissions into underground saltwater pools. Enbridge Inc is leading the group of companies who are participating in the project.
The project will roll out in three phases. Phase one will involve identifying locations for aquifer storage, phase two will involve a pilot project, and later phases will involve expanding into large-scale, long-term commercial operations.

AMEC has been contracted by Syncrude Canada to begin project development for the company’s Mildred Lake and Aurora operations in the oilsands of Northern Alberta. The five-year, $100 million contract is to provide engineering design and project management of new and existing facilities, including improving tailings management, bitumen recovery and energy efficiency.

RSW Inc. of Montreal is helping Construction Promec, the contractor for work to the Plant 64 heating and cooling plant at the Horizon Oil Sands. The project is located 70 kilometres northwest of Fort McMurray. Work started in late March 2007 and involves installing systems for the cooling tower, the pump house, the air/instrument building, the piperacks and the heat exchanger units. It is being done under a fast-track approach to be finished early this year.


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